Rule #3: Under no circumstances is it ever OK to look anywhere but forward when standing at the urinal.
I believe this one is reasonably self explanatory, but for the curious minds out there I'll elaborate. So, I'm taking a break from the muzak prior to Star Trek and I happen to notice out of my peripheral vision (trust me it was my peripheral vision because I follow the rules), a kid staring at me from the left. So, what exactly is the appropriate response in this situation. "Hey, what are you looking at?!" probably wouldn't be the best. Oh, and no worries, this was one of those restrooms with the nice little partitions between stalls. :-) Needless to say, I ignored him and got back in time for the movie.
To reiterate, it is not OK to look anywhere but forward in this situation. This is why some of the "higher class" restrooms have Today's News or the Sports section right there for your reading enjoyment. Although, I have to say, who's got time to read this?! If you were supposed to look at each other and strike up a conversation, wouldn't the urinals be facing each 0ther. "Hey, Bob, how's it goin'?" "Oh, it's goin..." I mean, really, just get in there do your business and get out.
Don't forget the rule about always leaving at least one unused urinal between you and the guy who is already using one....
While we are at the topic..
I don't know who Anonymous is but thanks for the builds for the "rules" for determining the appropriate "position" to take. lol
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